Vertigo Disease and Care

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Vertigo Disease and Care

What is vertigo (dizziness) disease?

Vertigo is a disease that occurs when the organs and systems that establish the balance system of the body do not work properly. There are many organs that provide the balance system in the body. These are the inner ear, brain, spinal cord, joints, muscles, and sense of sight. A disease that affects these organs or systems often reveals vertigo symptoms.
Dizziness with head movements, dizziness when standing on foot, dizziness on bed, dizziness when standing up, and dizziness when looking up can be thought as symptoms of vertigo.

What are the reasons of vertigo?

There might be various causes of Vertigo. Infections especially in ear-nose-throat, eyes, and neurological areas trigger vertigo. One of the most common causes of Vertigo is inner ear disease. An infection in the inner ear may result in vertigo. Decreased endolymph fluid (inner ear fluid), middle ear infections, and tumors in the inner ear nerves are among the causes of vertigo.
Does using a cell phone result in vertigo?
There is not yet a scientific study about this issue. Cell phones have been invented in the current century and proving it scientifically might take years. However, in terms of human health, it is advisable not to talk with mobile phones for a long time.
Apart from lack of inner ear fluid, Vertigo can also occur as a result of the following reasons:
Exposure to migraine attacks
Having epilepsy
The presence of a variety of tumors in the brain
Head trauma
Cardiac arrhythmia
What is the treatment for vertigo?
There are special treatment methods for causes of vertigo. Special drug treatments are applied for the reduction of inner ear fluid. Special rehabilitation and care programs need to be applied for patients with vertigo originating from brain.